How Do You Act on Reddiquette?

The Reddit website has been growing in popularity over the past year or so. You may have heard of it as Yfrog, Squidoo and HubPages. But what is reddiquette? Simply put, reddiquette is the rules that all users on this site follow.

So what exactly is reddiquette? Well, according to the user guide: ” reddiquette is simple common sense from a basic level. It’s actually an easy way to express yourself and let other redditors know how you feel about different subjects. So what do we mean by reddiquette? It’s basically an approach to deal with online communication that’s similar to how you would treat other online chat rooms or forums.” That explanation seems pretty clear.

In a nutshell, reddiquette means being a good citizen in the eyes of other redditors. For example, you should never post anything on a public page without your own personal profile page. When making comments on another redditor’s comment, you should always include your name along with a link to your profile page. Keep in mind that you are still a member of this community so you still need to follow basic manners.

It might be pretty boring and common sense, but one thing that many redditors forget about is that they should avoid using their real names on the internet. Don’t do it! People everywhere use all different kinds of handles and names. Even if you are just using your screen name instead of your real name, you are still in violation of reddiquette.

There are some specific guidelines on reddiquette that you should keep in mind when surfing around the Internet. First, if you want other redditors to take you seriously, then you should treat all messages with respect. Using abusive words or language will only make you seem rude and mean. Nobody wants that.

Another guideline on reddiquette is not to act jealous. You can be sure that there will be plenty of other redditors who are doing what you are doing. Instead of acting jealous, act respectful. If you are seeing someone having an affair, don’t act in a way that will make them feel bad about themselves. The site is filled with people from all different backgrounds and ethnicities so if you are going to complain, it will be heard.

You can learn more about reddiquette by visiting the site itself. You can also read about the site and get a better feel for how it works. Spend some time being a part of the community and see how it works. Even if you disagree with the site, you will probably find other redditors who do.

Remember that even though you are using the site for communication, you should still act like a professional. Be neat and stay off of people’s downfalls. Don’t post anything until you have read it and been able to respond to any questions you might have. This is a big part of reddiquette and should be remembered. Even if you think you might not have a problem with a particular posting, always check it out. You never know when a problem will surface.